A rocking good Christmas

19-12-2015 09:57

Music bonds. For example the top 2000 in the Netherlands. I experience it during concerts and festivals. And in December there are christmassongs, allthough sometimes you can't here theme anymore, who are bringing the Christmas atmosphere. Peace on earth is what we want. My christmascarol is about a rockband from The Netherlands that with her music takes care of fraternisation in a great part of the world. 

Brazilië  -  Nebraska VS  -  Zwitserland  -  Oekraine  -  Frankrijk

In 1989 six boys starting a rockband; keyboards, drums, bas en gitars and off they go. And a singer of course, or should i say, a man who is doing his grunts. They put all there energy in the music. After a while it is getting serious business. They record albums, bandmembers come and go and of course a lot of touring. In the Netherlands and abroad.   

Nederland  -  Honduras  - Noorwegen -  Boliva  -  Hongarije

On the 9th of November 2014 The Gathering exists 25 years. Because of that the band gives an anniversaryshow. Because a lot of people wants to see the band they organize on the same day a matineeconcert.  It were very specials gigs because all the members who ever played in the band came on stage. I was so lucky to be at both concerts together with my dear friends Bert and Jan and my daughter Ninke. This day I will never forget. 

Chili  -  Portugal  -  Maryland VS  -  Litouwen  -  Duitsland

One year later finally comes the news the fans waited for so lang. The band announces the releasedate of the livealbum from the anniversaryshow. What follows is a lot of posts on the facebookpage of The Gathering Fans United. When I received the digital download a few days ago I posted the following message: 'Today I got the download of the two best live concerts of 2014: TG25: Live at Doornroosje. Man, lots and lots of emotions listening to this music. YOUR MUSIC WAS TO STAY FOREVER. I have to wait until March for the vinyl version'.

Spanje  -  Mexico  -   Griekenland   -  Zweden  -  Canada

I really get emotional listening to this livealbum. In my memory it's again that magical sunday in Doornroosje, Nijmegen. It takes my breath away. So badly that I stopped playing the music after tow songs for a while. Too much emotions. But I understand that lots of people have simular reactions. People from all over the world, from different cultures, and other religions. The Gathering family is like a warm bath. Reactions and likes coming from countries I named in this blog. Including René Rutten and Bart Smits. 

Polen - Venezuela - Verenigd Koninkrijk  - Italië   -  Hong Kong

The music of The Gathering brings people together. I think that is a beatiful thought a few days before Christmas. A thought to stand still by. And enjoying the music. The Christmas record of this year is with no doubt TG25: Live at Doornroosje. I wish you all a rocking good Christmas.